
The Sonic Spider is the brainchild of Camilla Saunders composer and co-ordinator, whose work attempts to build bridges between species on this planet through the medium of sound; biologist and science writer Dr. Alun Anderson, and musician and maker Charlie Beresford – who designed and built the final instrument.

Film by Shiloh

The performances with the instrument are intended to convey the drama of the world of an orb web spider.

These spiders – always female – spend a lot of time in their webs, waiting for prey. They have very poor eyesight, so rely on the vibrations that their legs – acting as ears – pick up. They can tell the difference between small prey that they can catch and eat without risk, larger prey that might fight back (eg a wasp) or a male suitor. This last makes especial effort to sound different to a prey animal, as he wishes to avoid being eaten (though sometimes, even after a romantic encounter, the female may still eat him).

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